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Above. A look out the 3rd floor of my office in the BAL building at Old Dominion University--note the word PEACE painted two ways so that you can read it from inside or outside.


click on green "buttons" below to read more

Spring 2023 Sabbatical complete

Listening to the SONG of Life...

praying for how to create as an open access book 

Above. Listening to the "SONG of Life" includes listening to nature as one can see from the beauty of this morning glory in bloom during mid summer.

Working on a Listening Book to include all the contexts in the SONG of Life...

L-SONG is a 15 item student self-assessment of Listening to the

SONG of life


see paper presented at the

International Listening Association

in April of 2021 for details:





Above. Wooden statue of a Benedictine monk at prayer that i've had since the 1970's--from  Assumption Abbey in Richardton, North Dakota (a few miles from the farm that my mother grew up on).
I've started two BLOGS, one on haikus and mandallas and another on the best parts of books i've read called 3 X 5's (from the 3x5 index cards i use for each book) access blogs: 


3 X 5 Index Card Wisdom

On my spring 2017 sabbatical i ventured into writing stories connecting my life with the lives of others in autoethnographic forms. Click on the button to see publication outcomes and links related to listening, peace, and teaching the dream research methods.

I have LOTS of ideas for future research in the areas of prayer, peace, and listening...let me know if i can assist you with any of your research pursuits.

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Email *



Success! Message received. During the academic year I will respond in 2-3 days, during the summer, it may be weeks/months before i respond.

Above. Dr. B in the choir loft overlooking the main sanctuary at St. Paul's Church in Portsmouth, VA. Photo from article in Old Dominion University's Quest magazine, Stirring the Soul, volume 5 (2)--click on link to read article.

© 2016 by E. James Baesler. Created with

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