My Favorite Courses
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All the Courses I've Taught
Communication 101: Public Speaking
Communication 112: Interpersonal Communication
Communication 200: Introduction to Human Communication
Communication 302: Introduction to Communication Research Methods
Communication 312: Small Group Communication
Communication 314: Nonverbal Communication
Communication 333: Persuasion
Communication 355: Organizational Communication
Communication 401/501: Communication Theory
Communication 402/502: Communication Research Methods II
Communication 422/522: Listening to the SONG of Life
Communication 423/523: Nonviolent Communication and Peace
Communication 424/524: Communicating Love
Communication 456: Organizations and Social Influence
Communication 495/595: Religious/Spiritual Communication and Health
Communication 604: Research Methods in Lifespan Communication
Communication 695: Graduate Seminar in Communication and Love
Communication 695: Graduate Seminar in Religion/Spirituality, Communication, and Health and Wellness
(new this Spring, 2022)

I would be happy to dialgoue with you about your teaching ideas related to peace, listening, and helping students make their dreams come true.